

By Linda Daniels

Dream City’s theme for 2021 is Refocus. I’m sure that there are many people out there who would like to have some do-overs. Maybe they’d like to refocus after making mistakes, ruining relationships, or just making bad decisions.

There are steps or ways to refocus. One of those steps is to regroup. The dictionary defines regroup as, “to reassemble or cause to reassemble into organized groups, typically after being attacked or defeated.” Some synonyms for regroup are reorganize, rally, reform, or get it together again. I like that last one because it seems like I’m always trying to get it together.

If you’ve ever watched war movies or read about great battles, you know that armies often had to regroup. Perhaps they were losing a lot of men, or they were at an impasse. They would fall back, take a headcount, and create a new strategy. Then, back into the fight they would go.

So it must be with us. We need to fall back at times and do a personal inventory. What have we been doing or trying to do? What’s our goal? Or, better yet, what’s God’s goal for us? How do we discover that?

My first suggestion would be to fill yourself with God’s Word. Our minds and our hearts can easily get a little off-kilter if we aren’t soaking up what God has laid out for us. We are to be “little Christs”. That’s what the term “Christians” first meant. The Bible was written so that we could really know Him and reflect Him in our lives. If your Bible reading is lacking, your knowledge of Him is lacking. Time to regroup. Time to reorganize your day so you can spend time in His Word.

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

My next question is this: how often do you talk to God? How often do you let Him talk to you? A good conversation with Him is an effective way to regroup. Obviously, I’m referring to your prayer life. It takes two to have a conversation. You need to come to Him with a heart ready to respond to what He has to say.

You need to be transparent with Him, and say it like it is—he knows it all anyway. Enter into prayer openly and without guile. Then God can speak to you and into you.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be make known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

The more you pray, the more you pray. It becomes addictive in a good way. You want to know what He thinks. You want Him to give you direction. You want His forgiveness. Most of all, you want to please Him because He loves you so. 

God is the One who can tell you when and how to regroup. He wants you to get back in the fight. After all, you are in His army, and He is your Commander-in-Chief.


Is there trouble in your life? Is there an insurmountable obstacle in your path? Is there fear in your life? Then take time to regroup.

To regroup, you must retreat in the moment. This isn’t a call to run away from the battle, but rather to get back in line with our Commander. In your prayer time, ask God to reveal and losing battles, any desired do-overs you have. Write them down in your journal, then candidly talk to God about them.

Lastly, as you pray, allow Him to speak to your through Scripture, seeking His voice in His word.

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