By Jamie Weasel
“Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.” - 1 Peter 4:12 NLT
A few years ago, my husband and I were able to see the Sequoia National Park in Northern California. It was a bucket-list item for him, and I was just along for the ride, but now it is one of my most memorable vacations.
The spiritual truths I learned from that experience still speak to me today. These magnificent giants are the largest and oldest trees, some dating back 2-3,000 years. What surprised me most is their dependence upon fire to accelerate growth, strength, and longevity.
It was the first time I heard of fire being beneficial to growth and reproducing a new generation of sequoias. Without fire to crack open their cones, the seeds remain trapped inside. The fires are necessary not only for releasing seeds, but they also thicken the bark up to two feet and strengthen the root systems, thereby supporting the massive height and breadth of these beautiful giants. I couldn’t help but draw spiritual parallels to my own walk with Christ.
We love the fire that warms us on a blustery, cold January day in Nebraska. It’s nice to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book with my dogs sitting at my feet. The fiery trials that the apostle Paul wrote of, however, are not as inviting or picturesque.
In my own life, it seems like the times when I’ve felt the closest to God and the furthest from Him have included some sort of trial or difficulty. When we are tested, we have an important choice to make. We can allow the trials of life to reignite our relationship with Jesus and draw us closer to Him, or we can choose to fall back into old mindsets and become bitter and angry.
If you want to reignite a passion in your heart for God, you must choose to see difficult situations as an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and know Him in a deeper way. All the while knowing that the fiery trials will release new growth and fruitfulness, as well as strengthening your inner man.
Without fire, conditions do not favor growth and survival for sequoia trees, and I think the same can be said of us.
“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it GROW, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” - James 1:3,4 NLT
David Wilkerson once said, “I believe the greatest sign or wonder to the world in these last days is not a person who has been raised from the dead. No! What truly makes an impact on the mind and spirit of the ungodly is the Christian who endures all trials, storms, pain and suffering with a confident faith. Such a believer emerges from his troubles stronger in character, stronger in faith, stronger in Christ”.
In life, you’re either about to go through troubles, are in troubles, or are getting out of troubles. These fires can seem painful at the time, but they’re a chance for growth. What truths are you learning about God through your present difficulties? Take time to pray over your current trials and seek what God’s scripture says about them. Lean into Him in this difficulties knowing they will develop growth.