by Lynn Keegan
The past year brought a lot!For many it was easy to get caught up in the countless distractions that turned our focus off our source. Once we become unplugged from our source, then things in our life begin to break down. One of the most obvious examples of this is the breakdown of our relationship with God and with others. For me, it was painful to turn on social media, or listen to conversations, or to talk on the phone to family members and see or hear Christian brothers and sisters speaking with so much disdain for one another.
The Bible teaches us to love our enemies—this is backwards and unnatural for most, but if that is how we are to treat our enemies, how much more should we love our brothers and sisters in Christ? Last year, what broke down that needs to be rebuilt in your life? Is it a ministry? Is it a relationship? Is it your relationship with God?
The world will not stop being the world, however we as Christians should not look like the world (John 15:19). As believers we should be able to rise above the distractions in this world. This year we can commit to rebuilding relationships within Christ’s church, and this can only be done correctly by starting with our commitment to rebuild our relationship with God first.
God sent His son to this earth to be humiliated, tortured, and to die in order to give us the opportunity to rebuild our relationship with him. How can we not seek out that opportunity?
In order to rebuild, we must first surrender our own will to God (Jeremiah 29:13). Chances are whatever we tried to build without Him was a disastrous mess that must be torn down (Proverbs 14:12). Repent, surrender, lay it all down, and allow Him to move in your life (Acts 3:19). Then we must be obedient and listen to where the Spirit is leading us.
God often does not just remove the circumstances that surround us or the mess that we create; He often presents us with opportunities to roll up our sleeves and put in some work. Spend time each day reading His word and in prayer. Like any good relationship, to rebuild takes time and effort. Know that once God is in control. you can always expect the unexpected. It is so important to know that during this time of rebuilding, you can trust Him. It doesn’t always feel or look like things are falling right into place, but have faith during this time.
Get plugged into a small group and build relationships with other Christian believers who can hold you accountable, sow into your life and stand beside you. Attend church. Do the work!
Nothing can be rebuilt until you put in the work. Today, pray that God will reveal to you what needs to be rebuilt if you don’t already have an awareness of it. Do not leave your relationship with Him and your fellow believers in a state of repair. Make a phone call, attend a class, or find a small group. Your rebuilding starts today, but only if you put in the work.