By Pastor Renee Stewart
When we think of the word “reflect”, we can think of it in two different ways, to mirror or represent something or someone, or to think back on. Initially when I picked this word, I thought I would talk about reflecting back on the year before and how far we’ve come and all that jazz, but lately when I think of the word reflect, it makes me think of the responsibility we all have to reflect Him.
And to be honest, I’m not sure we really recognize how big of a responsibility it is to reflect His nature and His character.
In order for us to properly reflect Him, we must first take the time to get to know Him. We have to fix our focus on Him, learn all we can about His character, and think deeply about how we can properly reflect him. Then from that place of thinking and deep reflection on Him and all His characteristics, we then can go out and reflect Him in the right way.
That sounds easy, right? Well if it’s so easy, then why aren’t we as Christians out there killing it as tiny little reflections of Him?
Oftentimes, before we are even in a relationship with Him, we’ve formed some misguided beliefs. These keep us from fully understanding Him. We must commit to the process of laying down our beliefs formed before Jesus, so they no longer dictate our relationship with Him.
When we come into relationship with Him, there is a transfer of ownership. Before we lived for ourselves, we lived to satisfy our desires in whatever way we saw fit. Then when we come into relationship with Him, He takes ownership of us. Our job is then to reflect Him.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” - Genesis 1:27 ESV
God’s plan from the beginning was for us to reflect His image and nature, that’s why He created us in His image.
When you think about it, that is a huge responsibility. Why is this so huge? For some people in our lives, we are the only Jesus they will ever get to see. So if we don’t know Him well enough to properly reflect Him, we are missing our opportunity.
The definition of reflect is to embody or represent (something) in a faithful or appropriate way or think deeply or carefully about.
In order for us to reflect his image, to represent him, we must first spend some time thinking deeply and carefully about Him.
“For you have acquired a new creation life which is continually being renewed into the likeness of the One who created you; giving you the full revelation of God.” - Colossians 3:10 TPT
By knowing Christ and reflecting Him, we’re empowered to know and reflect Him more. It’s a responsibility and a blessing, and one we should no longer overlook.
Today, as you pray and read His word, take time to reflect in both its meanings. Take time to deeply consider and absorb the scripture, asking God to reveal Himself as you do, then take His presence and inpouring and embody it today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.