Our nursery is divided into three classes:

  • Babies - for infants from birth to age one or until your child is walking
  • Walkers - for children walking up to 23 months old
  • Talkers - for children 2 years old

Our nursery is staffed with caring adults who provide a safe and secure environment conducive to the child's physical, social and spiritual growth. When you are confident in leaving your baby in the care of our staff, then you are able to worship with a sense of security. We have taken great care to prepare our nursery rooms to be the best environment for your baby with age appropriate toys and an opportunity to interact with others. As we hold the babies, we pray for them to receive all that God has for them in life. We believe every child we pray for will be touched by God.


Our goal is to encourage preschoolers ages 3 and 4 in a growing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and others in an atmosphere where they feel a sense of belonging. We present biblical learning materials with a hands-on approach to help establish in the hearts of the children an active faith toward God and His Word. We have designed age-appropriate classes just for them. We teach the simplicity of the Gospel through a variety of stories, crafts, Bible action songs and other activities. Every lesson taught reinforces Biblical truths and children can be ministered to individually during this time.