

If we are going to be disciples who reach disciples, then we must know who we're disciples of.

Join Dream City Omaha as Pastor Cory Demmel kicks off our Converge Conference for 2023, showing us Jesus's words that "You are the light of the world," and what that all means.

Being invaluable means being uniquely valuable, indispensable, beyond estimation, or irreplaceable. To Christ, you are invaluable.

Join Dream City Omaha as Pastor Cory Demmel speaks during our Saturday morning session of Converge, sharing how you are invaluable to God's plan for the redemption of the world.

The home is the first place to be disciples and make disciples. This is still necessary regardless if you’re single, married, raising a family, or in your third act of life. Discipleship is needed here before you can reach other spaces.

With that in mind, in this session, we will hear from Pastor Carrie of Mercy City Church about beginning and continuing this crucial first space of discipleship.

Our second space is the workplace. This space—whether that be in the classroom as a student, working part-time, or years into your career—will always provide you contact with people who need to hear the life, joy, and freedom Christ calls us toward. Learn from Pastor Jim Slosson of Love Church how to recognize this space and use this contact for the Kingdom.

What is your third space? Many may not recognize what it is at first, but that space brings you together with those who share a common interest. The gym, your neighborhood, or even a child’s club or team. It’s in these spaces where friendships and bonds form. Learn from Pastor Andy Kaup of Bellevue Christian Center how to see the opportunities to speak Christ into the lives of those who you meet and grow within this space.

With a focus on evangelism this year, this pastoral panel allows attendees to ask questions for further clarification or on topics that may not have been addressed during the prior general sessions.

With the goal to Be One, Reach One in 2023, Dream City Omaha ends Converge with special guest speaker Pastor Cory Demmel and his message to Reach ONE.

Looking at Paul's letter to Philemon, Pastor Cory teaches the four-step cycle of being one who reaches one.


Stewardship is not a suggestion but a command given to us in God’s word. What does stewardship look like when it comes to my personal finances and budgeting?

How do we go from just reading the Bible, to studying it and pulling out the truths found in it? Learn how to study God’s Word in a way that makes it applicable to our lives.

In an over-sexualized culture where topics like sex, sexuality, gender, and identity seem to be melted into one, how do we maintain a biblical view of sex and sexual integrity?

Loss and grief are an inevitable part of life, and loss extends beyond death. In this breakout, you will learn how to identify and navigate different losses in your life in a way that promotes healthy, forward-moving grieving.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” - Proverbs 13:22 This session will challenge us to think generationally about what kind of inheritance we are leaving.

Worship is so much more than songs we sing or music we listen to. We all worship something, come find out how to make sure we live lives that worship our Heavenly Father.

How do we live above our “occupation” and fulfill the “calling” that God has placed on all of us? Come find out how, no matter what career field you find yourself in, you can turn your workplace into your mission field.

With technology advancing faster than we can keep up, as parents we must be aware of the challenges and dangers facing our kids in such a hyper-technological age. Learn how to shepherd your kids and guard their hearts, as well as insight into what traps to look out for.

Conflict is a part of life. Some of us do it well and some of us think we do it well. Come learn effective strategies on how to embrace conflict in a way that makes us all better rather than tearing us apart.

Listen into a pastoral panel including pastors John and Angel Weasel, Dobie and Jamie Weasel, Andy Kaup of Bellevue Christian Center, and Taylor Foster of Lifegate.